How do I use the pinchwheels?Updated 6 months ago
The pinchwheels on your SINGER momento™ will help your mat stay in place. Here's a few tips for using them.
- Locate the pinch wheel lever on the back of the machine.
- To raise the pinch wheels and unlock them, push the lever down (A).
- Adjust the pinch wheels to span the width of your mat or the width of your material if cutting matless (B).
- To lower the pinch wheels and lock them in place, raise the lever to the lock position.
Pro Tip 1: The right-hand pinch wheel must always be in contact with right hand side of the material or the cutting mat. The far-left hand pinch wheel is locked and cannot be moved. This ensures stable mat placement during the cutting process.
Pro Tip 2: For a pinch wheel to grip properly, it must be positioned over a grit shaft. There are two areas where the grit shaft is missing - pinch wheels cannot be placed in these areas