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Embroidery Quick Reference GuideUpdated 7 months ago

Ready to start a new embroidery project? Use the guide below to help you select the right stabilizer, hooping, needle, and thread for your project!  

Embroidery Quick Reference Guide

ProjectStablizerHooping NeedleBobbin ThreadNeedle Thread
Soft Mesh Cut-AwayHoop fabric and stabilizer together Singer Chromium #2001, Size 11BobbinFillRayon is most often used
Cut-Away, Use Spray Adhesive-Dense design, use topperUse spray adhesive to hold fleece to hooped stabilizerSinger Chromium #2001, Size 14BobbinfillPolyester or Rayon
TowelsTopper required. Tear-away on backHoop back stabilizer first, then pin topper, towel, and backing togetherSinger Chromium #2000, Size 14Same color as needle thread or towelPolyester is recommended
Sweater Knits
Cut-AwayUse spray adhesive to hold sweater to hoopedSinger Chromium #2001, Size 14BobbinfillPolyester or Rayon
Light Weight Fabrics
Water-Soluble, Light Tear-Away, or Organza FabricHoop fabric & stabilizer togetherSinger Chromium #2000, Size 11BobbinfillRayon is most often used
Heavy Weight Fabrics
Medium to Heavy Weight Tear-Away or self-Adhesive Tear-AwayUse spray adhesive to hold fabric to hooped stabilizerSinger Chromium #2000, Size 14BobbinfillPolyester or Rayon
DenimMedium to Heavy Weight Cut-Away or Self-Adhesive Cut AwayUse spray adhesive to hold hooped stabilizer or Hoop self-adhesive and secure fabric on topSinger Chromium #2000, Size 14BobbinfillPolyester or Rayon
Napped Fabrics
Medium to Heavy Weight Tear-Away or Self-Adhesive Tear-Away
Hoop stabilizer and secure fabric on topSinger Chromium #2000, Size 14BobbinfillPolyester or Rayon
Vinyl & Leather
Cut-Away or Self-Adhesive Cut-AwayHoop stabilizer and secure fabric on topSinger Chromium #2000, Smallest size acceptable for the fabricBobbinfillPolyester or Rayon
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